Since foundation, RP Industries, SA has privileged a culture based on accuracy, consistency in its behavior, market orientation and anticipation of its evolution, ensuring customer satisfaction identifying its needs and expectations, and rigorous compliance with the agreed, research and development of new solutions, seeking leadership for quality and innovation in the most demanding markets, strengthening factors that value your business, contributing to continuous improvement and compliance with current legislation.
RP Industries, S.A., commits to implement a set of measures in Good Labor Practices; Services and Benefits; Professional Support and Personal Development – and in promoting these policies to their stakeholders, inspiring organizations to adopt these policies; provides the necessary resources to comply with NP 4552 requirements and continuously improves its implementation; strives for promotion of skills, with a view to their professional development and personal satisfaction and their retention; increases the motivation of employees, based on continuous attention to their personal, family and professional needs, also promoting activities that promote a good working environment; ensures compliance with all labor legislation applicable to the activities; continuously invests in partnerships with services that result in benefits for employees and their families and raises awareness of all interested parties to the importance of conciliation measures and impact on personal and organizational well-being.
February 3rd 2021